Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Top Ten Little Annoyances About SL

Just a smart-assed collection of things I've observed more than a few times in my little-over-a year in SL. I'll refrain from the obvious choices of 'lag' 'logins temporarily disabled' or the lovely gas clouds we sometimes materialize as.

10. Residents whose profile messages make pronouncements about being 'drama-free' tend to be the bitchiest, most instigator-ish of all.

9. Residents will go on and on about how they hate SL and are leaving, but few actually follow-through.

8. Residents who do actually leave either pick up an Alt or return to their former avies within a few weeks.

7. Many residents do not know the difference between flirting and looking desperate.

6. Gesture spam (aside from that of staff on-duty at venues) is the SL equivalent of idiots who talk on their cell-phones too loudly in public. No one else gives a damn, and it interferes with real conversation.

5. Residents who wear face lights/lamps bright enough to light up or wash out the avatars standing next to them are complete idiots.

4. Talking fetuses freak me the fuck out.

3. Many Residents try way too hard to look as if they aren't trying at all. One example is when people make statements in Local Chat that the reason they don't talk in Local is they are soooo busy in IM, or they say something about being in IM Hell. Profile messages which state "I don't follow local chat" also fall into this category.

2. The only thing stupider than a talking fetus is equipping your avatar to use the restroom.

And the Number One most annoying thing about SL....

1. Pointless avatar blogs. (erm, hey, that sounds familiar) :p