Friday, January 8, 2010

newbie, newbie...oh no, you gotta go now....

Another cool idea swiped from Guen's blog...a sort of Then & Now...Evolution of an Avatar...

This look is entirely made up of freebies, save for the 10L hair (Heather from Calico Creations)that a friend lent me the Lindens for...otherwise, it's all freebies baby, can ya tell? There's a huge freebie mall called The Freebie Store, and that's where old SL designers (and wannabe designers) go to die. I got a lot of items from that place. This is how I looked the night Troy & I met at a live music show at LINC island, which was less than a month after I came to SL.

And here is the current look I'm sporting. I don't change clothes very often now that I'm no longer Hosting. Hair from Cross, skin from Tuli, shape from Platinum World, top from UK Couture, jewelry from JCNY, tats from Collisions (unseen ;), bangles from Snatch, boots from Reboot, and LX jeans.

If I were feeling really brave, I'd post the pic of what Lissa looked like before she found the freebie skin, but if you've ever seen a kid's drawing of a very pale, blond lady, you have the idea. ;)

Stay warm out, it's cold outside.